Atrial Fibrillation

Atrial Fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation, or AFib, is a condition where the heart’s upper chamber beats irregularly, disrupting its normal rhythm, also known as sinus rhythm.

These chambers are responsible for pumping blood into the larger bottom chambers, which then distribute blood throughout your body.

In atrial fibrillation, your heart beats irregularly, and your heart does not pump blood as effectively as it should. While some individuals may experience persistent AFib, others may have episodes that come and go.

Types of Atrial Fibrillation

AFib can be classified into several types based on its duration and whether it is associated with any underlying heart conditions. The main types of AFib include:

  • Paroxysmal AFib: This occurs intermittently and spontaneously, with episodes lasting for seconds to days and then resolving on their own without any treatment. The heart typically returns to its normal rhythm between episodes.
  • Persistent AFib: Persistent AFib refers to episodes that last longer than seven days and do not resolve spontaneously. Medical intervention is often required to restore normal heart rhythm.
  • Long-standing persistent AFib: This type of AFib occurs when the abnormal heart rhythm persists for more than 12 months continuously.
  • Permanent AFib: Permanent AFib is diagnosed when the condition becomes permanent and attempts to restore normal sinus rhythm are unsuccessful or not pursued.

Symptoms to watch for:

  • Drops in blood pressure
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Fatigue, weakness, and tiredness
  • Pounding or racing heart
  • Sweating or chest discomfort

Experiencing any of these symptoms could indicate AFib, which is associated with frequent hospitalizations. About one in five individuals being hospitalized due to AFib each year.

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Irregular Heartbeats

AFib occurs due to disorganized signals in the atria, the two upper chambers of the heart. These abnormal signals cause the atria to beat erratically, resulting in a rapid, irregular or quivering heartbeat. AFib can  also affect the lower chambers of the heart. Usually, AFib is not life-threatening. However, if left untreated, it can lead to serious complications including cardiac arrest, heart failure or stroke.

Atrial Fibrillation Overview

Learn About AFib

What are the Causes?

The exact cause of AFib is unknown. Several factors increase the risk of developing AFib, including:

  • advanced age
  • congenital heart defects
  • heart conditions such as coronary artery disease
  • other health conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, sleep apnea, thyroid disorders, chronic kidney disease or lung disease 
  • use of substances such as caffeine, alcohol or tobacco
  • viral infections
What are the Types?

There are four main types of atrial fibrillation.

  • Paroxysmal occurs occasionally and usually stops on its own. Episodes may be as brief as a few seconds or may last up to seven days. 
  • Persistent lasts for more than a week and often requires treatment to return to normal.
  • Long-term persistent continues to occur for more than 12 months despite treatment.
  • Permanent does not respond to repeated treatment attempts.

Atrial fibrillation is further classified on the involvement of the heart valves, a distinction that may help guide treatment decisions.

  • Valvular occurs in people with artificial heart valves or a heart valve disorder such as mitral stenosis. 
  • Non-valvular AFib is an irregular heartbeat caused by something besides a heart valve, such as high blood pressure or an overactive thyroid.
What are the Signs & Symptoms?

Atrial fibrillation does not always cause obvious symptoms. When symptoms do occur, they may include: 

  • chest pain
  • fatigue
  • feeling that the heart is pounding, racing or fluttering 
  • lightheadedness or fainting
  • shortness of breath
  • weakness

How is AFib Diagnosed?

In addition to a physical examination and review of medical history, diagnostic tests for AFib may include:

  • blood tests to look for underlying health conditions
  • echocardiograms to evaluate heart structure and function
  • electrocardiograms, which record electrical activity inside the heart
  • event recorders such as Holter monitors to collect heart rhythm data for 24 hours or longer
  • stress (exercise) tests that monitor heartbeat on a treadmill or stationary bicycle
A heart cut out laying on top of a EKG report

Customized Treatment Options

Learn About Atrial Treatments

Which Treatment is Right for You?

Treatments for AFib focus on restoring heart rhythm and reducing the risk of complications. Options may include:  

  • medications such as beta blockers and calcium channel blockers to control the rate and rhythm of heartbeat, and blood thinners to prevent blood clots from forming inside the heart
  • cardioversion, a procedure that uses an electrical shock to reset heart rhythm
  • catheter ablation or radiofrequency ablation, minimally invasive procedures that destroy abnormal tissue inside the heart
  • devices such as pacemakers or implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs) to regulate heart rhythm 
  • maze surgery, a procedure used to create new electrical pathways inside the heart

Your healthcare provider may also recommend treatment for any underlying health conditions responsible for causing AFib.